Track changes to pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) with the COLEACP database
- 14/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific

A review of key EU and Codex MRL changes since the start of 2018 and an introduction to E-GAP, your tool for tracking changes that affect your sector.
Every year, the use of many plant protection products is affected by Maximum Residue Limit (MRLs) changes. Since the start of 2018, MRL have been changed for 239 active substances in EU Regulation and the Codex Alimentarius combined.
This has a direct impact on producers who often must change production methods (Good Agricultural Practices – GAP) to comply with the new rules. Any non-compliances can lead to the interception and destruction of goods, and thus cause significant financial loss as well as reputational damage.
It is essential for producers to keep up-to-date and to make any necessary adjustments in time to ensure compliance with the regulations, either by adjusting the GAP, or by using alternative control methods.
This news presents key MRL changes for your sector since 2018.
Keeping track of PPP authorisations and MRL changes is complex and time-consuming, but essential to ensure regulatory compliance.
COLEACP has responded to this need by releasing E-GAP, a database on MRLs and good agricultural practices. E-GAP is a unique online tool that allows you to easily find up-to-date EU and Codex MRLs, and information available on the GAP to help ensure compliance under local conditions.
Based on continual monitoring of the regulations, COLEACP experts have compiled a listing of key MRL changes affecting the ACP horticultural sector since the start of 2018.
The report highlights 126 MRL changes for key active substances and crops in ACP countries. The full report is available here.
Producers who use these active substances are urged to take note of these changes and ensure they take the necessary measures to comply with the new MRLs as soon as possible.
If you wish to obtain further information, or if you encounter particular problems as a result of these changes, please contact COLEACP at the following address: (link sends e-mail).
The COLEACP online database (E-GAP) is accessible to all its members and beneficiaries. To date, it is one of the few sources of this information specifically dedicated to the horticultural sector in ACP countries.
This tool provides information on the maximum residue limits currently in force. It also provides the Good Agricultural Practices (dose rate, interval between treatments, pre-harvest intervals,etc.) that ensure compliance with these MRLs. Additional information such as the type of pesticide, the registration status of the active substance in the EU and in ACP countries, the classification recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the resistance group is also provided.
The COLEACP database, E-GAP, is accessible with your login and password in the e-service section of our website: here.
If you wish to obtain further information or if you encounter any problems in using the database, please contact COLEACP at the following address: (link sends e-mail).