SENEGAL: Residue-free sweetcorn

The COLEAD Research and Innovation Brokerage Department is currently working on updating Technical Itineraries or Good Phytosanitary Practices Guides through the FFM SPS and FFM+ programmes, which include information on good agricultural practices (GAPs). These GAPs ensure compliance with European and Codex MRLs, as well as residue-free production. Information on GAPs is integrated into the COLEAD E-GAP database, developed to ensure that producers have access to the necessary information to use PPPs safely and comply with market requirements (EU MRLs and CODEX).

Although sweetcorn is an important export crop to Europe, data on GAPs is often incomplete or non-existent for the agro-climatic conditions of member countries of the OACPS. It is in this context that COLEAD has been implementing a trial in Senegal since late 2022 to define pre-harvest intervals that enable compliance with EU MRLs (European market) and CODEX (ACP markets), or a residue level below the limit of quantification (residue-free production perspective) for approved/used products on sweetcorn.

This activity is supported by the Fit For Market+ programme, implemented by COLEAD within the Framework of Development Cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union.